Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 19, 2013

How Many Random Things Can I Talk About??!?!?

Busy weeks.

Like...can someone slow the train down, I would like to get off for a few minutes.

Not saying it is all work.

We DID get to go to the Brad Paisley concert 3 days ago!!!

He is such a people's person.  I know that, but he just keeps proving it over and over again.

Also, it was Beautiful Boy's 2nd birthday!!!  WOO-HOO!!  It was pretty much a monkey theme, as his favorite is Curious George.  Yes, the girls wore their first Lilly's of the Season.  <3

Funny, just having family is a party in of itself.  It is about 30 people.  You don't even really have to invite anyone else!!  lol.

My BFF gave me season 1 & 2 of Chuck for Christmas.  I was able to watch Season 1 back during Christmas break. I stayed up late in order to do so.  And watched it while ironing/gift wrapping/when I got sick/etc...  Today, I was finally able to start Season 2.  When we got home from church, it was cold and raining and seriously...movie watching kind of day.

My Love wanted to go to the city, but since our Land Cruiser needs fixin', so we are driving the Suburban....yeah, no.  It is bad enough finding a parking spot in NYC, but finding one for that size truck??!!??!


The girls discovered that they LOVE copy work, and now I can't get them to stop. lol.  They pull out the Bible and copy, copy, copy.  I am not really complaining, just find it funny.

I introduced Samuel to Kenny Rodgers today.  Who doesn't love The Gambler??!!?

  So add that toThird Day, U2, Rolling Stone, Country music and classical.  That makes a pretty well rounded individual don't you think?

ME, TOO!!!

I more than 1/2 missed a VBS prayer meeting I planned.  I lost track of time.  :::sigh:::  GOD is so good to keep me humble.

I want to watch an 80s movie.  The cheesy kind that I thought was brilliant at the time.  Next time we have a rainy day. Maybe.

I DID get to watch Silver Lining Playbook.  And I loved it.  It surprised me how much I loved it.  My son gave it to me for Mom's Day.  I thought I would just get it from Red Box, but I am glad I own it.

I am getting new dining room chairs!!  And I don't even have to fight for them.  Or wait too long.  For the simple fact that hubby & son want to buy another shot gun, but I get my chairs first.  And since they are chomping at the bit, knowing what they want, and not being able to get it with out me getting my chairs first... life is good.

We finished one part of school.  We took off a day and start summer schooling tomorrow!  At son's request.  Not high school yet, but more prep in getting ready for high school.

I am going to juice for a few days starting tomorrow.  My joints are killing me.  :(  Going to cleanse and kick start better eating.  Again.

Hubby's beard is growing back again. <3  Man, if I had gone to that country music concert and had to see all sorts of individuals, of the male persuasion, with those beards, I would have terribly upset if I did not get to come home and see my man with one sleeping next to me.

No joke.

A few weeks ago, I went to an eco-fair representing Holistic Mom's Network.  Overall, it was fun.  People were genuinely interested.  Except this one woman.  Her husband saw our sign and was intrigued.  He pointed us out to his wife and asked her to talk to us.  To which she responded with terror and fleeing.  It was slightly comical.  Did she think we are all crunchy granolas??!!?  I looked pretty normal.  Hippie is not a word people would use to describe me.  My husband...yes.  Me? No.  But he was not there!!!

Anyway, she reminded me of my relative's reactions.


My husband and I were talking about adultery during dinner tonight.  Not your usual dinner conversation, but we were talking about it in Sunday School today.  We figured, no one is immune to it.  But you can be intentional about it.  Intentionally clinging to the Cross and knowing, OH BUT BY THE GRACE OF GOD!!!!  It could happen to anyone if one is not careful.  And it is worth being careful.

Because I really do love that man like crazy.

Even when he makes me crazy.

And he is very good at making me crazy.

Also at this point, he is used to all my crazy.  After 28+ years, he knows all my warts and has seen the horror show.  (more than once)  HEY, if he has still stuck around after that....he is a keeper.

OK, that is enough randomness for tonight.  I should really go watch another Chuck.

OH wait, it is almost 1am.  Again.

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